Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Two of My Favorite Girls

I was able to see 2 of my favorite girls for a while today. I would love to spend hours just photographing them because they have such unique personalities but since they live 3 hours away, those opportunities don't come as often as I like.

Attempt at Creativity

So I've seen all these beautiful pictures of people's engagement rings at WeddingBee so I decided to try to capture the beauty of my ring in a unique way. I think I have a long way to go.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Holy Crap! It's Snowing!!

Much to my surprise and delight when I opened the door to go to work yesterday, it was snowing it's ace off. It only stuck to the grass and a little to the roads but unfortunately, work was not canceled.

Emme's Terrible Weekend

After much debate in the Jackson/Wicker household, my little angel was taken to the vet on Friday, January 16th to get spayed. As someone who's only experienced this with a female cat, I expected her to be pretty out of it for the first couple of days. But to my surprise, Emme has been running around the house like a complete idiot. The post op instructions included not letting her jump on things or be rambuncious. Neither of these instructions were accomplished as I expected my little dog's guts to come flying out every time she jumped onto the couch unexpectedly. She does have to wear the infamous "cone" when we are not home thus giving her the nickname of Conehead. However, she seems to be more concerned about her leg that was shaved for the IV more than the stitches. So she has apparently survived this traumatic experience and will get her stitches out in 10-14 days. Here are some quite funny pics of the Conehead as well as a couple of shots of the kittens.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pictures around Carrollton, MS

Baxter and Emme

Here are some shots of Baxter and Emme. Noah is not included because he hates pictures. His eyes are always closed.